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Our Spring Bouquet candle is a gorgeous blend of lavender, lilac, hydrangea, orange blossom, green leaves, with a hint of sandalwood. Subtle and sweet floral aromas will remind you of a summer’s lilac bush in full bloom!


We use 100% American Soy blended with all natural botanical waxes and pure Beeswax. Our Soy Wax is ethically produced, sustainable & renewable, contains no animal byproducts and is never tested on animals. Cotton wicks are lead and zinc free. Our candles are hand poured in small batches.


Soy wax does not contain any paraffin, so it’s clean burning and won’t release chemical by-products into the air while burning. We add Pure Beeswax to our Soy Wax Candles to purify the air and to extend burn time.9 oz candles have a burn time of 50 hours. 2 oz candles have a burn time of 15 hours.

Spring Bouquet

  • For best results, always trim your wick to 1/4 inch before burning and allow a full melt pool to form each time you burn your candle. You want your candle to burn long enough that the melted wax reaches the edges each time you use your candle. This will prevent tunneling, which is build up of wax that goes unmelted and causes the flame to “tunnel” to the bottom of the jar.


    Do not burn your candle for more than 4 hours at a time. The flame can eventually grow too large and hot. This can also cause sooting as your wick grows longer. Extinguish your candle and allow to cool and trim the wick again for re-lighting.


    Never leave a burning candle unattended or place near anything that can catch fire. Only burn on heat resistant surfaces, or use a holder.


    And always practice candle safety when burning your candles! 


    Our Tin candle lids fit perfectly under the candle when burning.

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